The Butler Radio Network and Mars Bank spent Friday morning raising money for local veterans.
The Rock Station 97.7FM was broadcasting from Cummings Coffee Shop West on Evans City Road in Connoquenessing and encouraging people to make a donation to the Butler County Veterans In Need Program.
“It’s a local program that helps veterans with furniture to furnish their apartments and it also helps vets that fall into financial troubles,” Roy Remone, one of the program directors, said in an interview Friday. These days, it’s so easy for people to fall into debt and other financial troubles, so it’s important that there are people looking out for those who may be struggling with these sorts of issues. Veterans are amongst those most affected by financial troubles as they are often left with very little upon returning back to America. Hopefully, more veterans will be able to avoid debt and bankruptcy by seeking support from these sorts of programs. If a veteran is close to bankruptcy, it’s so important that they reach out to someone who can help them, such as a bankruptcy attorney San Diego. They should be able to offer them some crucial advice to make sure they can handle this financial situation.
Remone says this is the only program like it on the East Coast.
All the money raised for Butler County Veterans In Need stays here to help local vets.