The public is invited to enjoy some outdoor activities at Moraine State Park.
First, a program called Fun with Dutch Ovens will be presented on Thursday from 10:30 a.m. to noon at the Five Points Group Tenting Area on North Shore Drive. Participants will be able to learn the basics of baking bread and campfire pizza from the Gristmill Baker.
Then a couple of Night Hikes are planned from 9 to 10:30 p.m. with the first on Thursday at the Five Points Groups Tenting area and the second on Friday at the Pleasant Valley Non-Powered Boat Launch on the South Shore. Both programs will be led by the park naturalist and participants are asked to bring a flashlight if possible.
Pre-registration for all part events is required due to limited attendance permitted. Attendees should wear a face mask and maintain social distancing. Call the park office for more information.