As coronavirus cases surge across Pennsylvania, the flu season is off to a slow start.
Ray Barishansky, PA Deputy Secretary of Health, spoke on the subject at a press conference held by the state on Monday; which also included Dr. Rachel Levine and Governer Wolf.
“At this time flu activity is low across the Commonwealth. Influenza A and B have both been identified as strains of the virus circulating in Pennsylvania through laboratory testing,” Barishansky said.
Barishansky says there have been 12 people hospitalized with the flu so far. He added, “As of Tuesday, November 28th, there have been 480 laboratory confirmed flu cases, and one flu associated death statewide.”
He also encourages everyone to get a flu shot if you haven’t done so yet.
The PA Department of Health’s webpage on the 2020-2021 flu season can be found here.
According to the CDC’s website, ‘In the United States, flu season occurs in the fall and winter. While influenza viruses circulate year-round, most of the time flu activity peaks between December and February, but activity can last as late as May.”
You can find more on the CDC’s flu season information here:

Historical number of confirmed flu cases in Pennsylvania over the last 10 years. Graphic courtesy of PA Department of Health.