The Dow Jones Industrial is down four percent over the last couple of weeks.
While the market may been a bit weak at the moment, local financial advisor Howie Pentony says there’s one investment area that is intriguing.
” There’s part of the market that’s very attractive and that’s the short-term treasury yields, which offer no risk and you have to hold them to maturity, and you can get an average rate of return of about five percent.” Pentony said.
Pentony says the exact yield on a one-year treasury is 5.3 percent, without risk to principle. He believes that while there is some downturn on Wall Street, this is another option for investors.
“It’s not being bearish. I’m not negative. I just think 5.3 percent is a pretty good number,” Pentony said.
Pentony is the founder of Pentony Capital Management in Portersville.