The Pennsylvania Department of Banking and Securities is teaming up with consumer advocates to help consumers spot sophisticated financial scams this holiday season.
Secretary of Banking and Securities Robin Wiessmann says to always keep your guard up.
“While none of us like to think we might be victims of a scam, the reality is that everyday these scam artists are persistent, successful and we have to remain vigilant,” Wiessmann said.
People should always verify a charity is legitimate before donating, never follow links in unsolicited emails, and be wary about phone callers asking to verify personal information or demanding immediate payment.
Common scams include fake charity scams, phony website scams, and social security scams. Tony Wolchasty is a task force member with the AARP’s Pennsylvania Consumer Issues organization:
“There are many people shopping online during the holidays, and there are a lot of fake websites,” Wolchasty said. “You need to make sure you know who you are dealing with before you send your money.”
Anyone with questions or complaints about financial transactions, companies, or products should call 1-800-PA-BANKS or visit