To increase access to health care for all veterans, the Veterans Health Administration has created VEText, an interactive mobile solution to remind Veterans of upcoming appointments via text messaging.
Veterans at VA Butler Healthcare can now take advantage of this new mobile system.
“Our goal is to offer a quick and easy way to confirm and/or cancel VA appointments and then make every attempt to schedule another Veteran into that time slot,” said Alan Petrazzi, VA Butler’s Interim Director. “Veterans just need to simply respond to the text with ‘cancel’ and the slot immediately opens up for the next veteran.”
Every enrolled veteran with a cell phone number listed in their health record was automatically enrolled in the program. Veterans may update their phone numbers during check-in at their next appointment, or use the self-service kiosks. VEText works for VA health care appointments only and the text messages do not currently replace the letters and automated phone calls veterans already receive for appointment reminders.
The first text message reminder will be sent seven days before the appointment, and a second reminder text message will be sent two days day before the appointment. Veterans should review the date and time of each appointment and use the prompts provided in the message to either confirm or cancel the appointment. Veterans with multiple appointments on the same day will receive multiple reminders.
The VEText system also has an easy to use opt-out process for veterans who do not want to use the text messaging reminders. Simply reply to the text message with “STOP.”